why everything needs to change

realigning my career, based off of the process rather than the product

2 min readAug 26, 2021
Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

Picking a new path

I want to change my life. I’ve been doing quite well so far, but there is so much that lays stagnant in the momentum. The freedom to be able to see the people that I want to see, the financial abundance I’ve yet to truly unveil, the consistency, the fulfillment, these are all things I see myself thriving through for the rest of my life. Film has allotted me a lot of joy in the final product, but the process does nothing for me. There is no pure joy, no ease-less flow state to tap into, no perfect ratio of work that can make me feel as though I’ve accomplished enough in a day. But writing. The moment my fingers tap in sync to these letters, it feels like I’m finally releasing the tension that’s been sitting inches beneath my skin. As though these words have been waiting eons to be spoken. And to finally be able to type them into existence feels like a breathe I’ve been holding onto for far too long.

Dispelling the scarcity mindset

Living in an abundance mindset is recognizing that there’s more than enough opportunities to explore your individual path. Just because someone gets to live their dream does not mean another will have to subjugate themselves to the lowest caste.

The Dream

I see myself having the time freedom to explore, adventure, go on hikes, swim, surf, learn, read all while maintaining this process I love so dearly. Taking breaks in between to check on the cherry tomatoes in the garden, strolling along salted air paths to clear my mind while I listen to waves crashing along the shore. I see myself laughing around the fire covered in freshly laundered blankets with my friends. I see myself dancing until the sun rises, brimming with joy knowing I get to spend the rest of my life doing what I love.

My Why

So my why is because I genuinely love it. I have never found something to be more of value and joy in my life than to write. As common as this method of living is for most, there is not a single part of me that does not feel in alignment with this writing. I’ve excused my film career path as my day job, until I found something worth dedicating all my time into. But this truly feels right. And if it doesn’t, then I’ll find something better and move on. There are more risks in not trying. So why waste a moment not.




this is a quarter aged collection of thoughts and things ive learned along the way. pseudo name because these thoughts are private..ish